Restricted Research - Award List, Note/Discussion Page

Fiscal Year: 2023

247  University of North Texas  (142135)

Principal Investigator: Bozdag,Serdar

Total Amount of Contract, Award, or Gift (Annual before 2011): $ 10,000

Exceeds $250,000 (Is it flagged?): No

Start and End Dates: 5/1/23 - 4/30/24

Restricted Research: YES

Academic Discipline: Computer Science & Engineering

Department, Center, School, or Institute: College of Engineering

Title of Contract, Award, or Gift: Travel: NSF Student Travel Grant for 2023 Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference (GLBIO)

Name of Granting or Contracting Agency/Entity: National Science Foundation

Program Title: none
CFDA Linked: Computer and Information Science and Engineering


The Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference (GLBIO) strives to enhance educational opportunities and research infrastructure throughout the North American Great Lakes region, to make the region a world leader in bioinformatics and computational biology. GLBIO began in 2006 as the Ohio Conference on Computational Biology. In 2010, GLBIO became an official conference of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), with an expanded regional scope that included a new name: GLBIO. In 2023, GLBIO will be held at the McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada between May 15-18. An important goal of this annual conference is to foster long-term, collaborative relationships among computational and life science researchers and educators from academia, government, and industry. Researchers from all parts of the world are welcome and encouraged to participate, especially those looking to form collaborations with labs in the Great Lakes region. GLBIO provides an interdisciplinary forum for sharing scientific information, including discussing methods, research findings, and educational experiences regarding computational investigations of biological problems. The annual meeting includes invited keynote presentations, oral presentations selected from peer-reviewed full paper or abstract submissions, tutorials, workshops, special sessions, and poster presentations. This project requests travel support for GLBIO 2023 student participants who attend US universities or are US citizens. Students will be educated on cutting-edge scientific developments that will drive future discoveries in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology. Also, they will have opportunities to present their work as oral talks or posters, or to participate in recruiting events with universities or industry partners. By helping further students’ careers and train interdisciplinary scientists, this NSF student travel grant will benefit global scientific competitiveness of the US. Historically, more than half of the GLBIO attendees have been students, over 90% of whom have been US-based. Through this NSF student travel grant, GLBIO 2023 will create a valuable training opportunity for 20 student attendees, by providing them with a partial funding support to attend the conference (as a combination of conference registration, lodging, and transportation costs). Special focus will be on first-time conference attendees who will not necessarily be presenting their work at the conference, and of the students who will be presenting their work, on female, undergraduate or high school, underrepresented minority, or disabled students. Applications for student travel grants will be solicited as follows. All students presenting their work at the conference will be sent emails making them aware of the student travel grant opportunity. In addition, the opportunity will be advertised on the GLBIO 2023 web site and via conference announcements. Moreover, outreach to under-represented student groups will be made by contacting institutions or organizations serving such communities.

Discussion: No discussion notes


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