Restricted Research - Award List, Note/Discussion Page

Fiscal Year: 2023

297  The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley  (142185)

Principal Investigator: Ramos,Noe

Total Amount of Contract, Award, or Gift (Annual before 2011): $ 500,000

Exceeds $250,000 (Is it flagged?): Yes

Start and End Dates: 8/18/22 - 5/31/24

Restricted Research: YES

Academic Discipline: Human Devt & School Services

Department, Center, School, or Institute: Human Devt & School Services

Title of Contract, Award, or Gift: Building Behavior Bridges: A Parent-directed treatment for Hispanic Children and Adolescents with Autism

Name of Granting or Contracting Agency/Entity: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Brd

CFDA: n/a

Program Title: Autism Grant Program – Parent-directed Treatment


SAMs 1.1.1--This research project has received IRB approval. The goal of the current research project is to improve and expand the treatment of Latinx children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The objective of this research project is to provide culturally adapted evidence-based strategies through a parent-directed training support program for 240 parents who have a child with ASD. This research project exceeds the recommended number of parents and children served (190) and is realistic based on our successful history of serving over 300 parents with previous versions (2018-2020 and 2020-2022) of our THECB Autism Grant program grants. The research project objectives include: (1) support and mentor 4 parent leaders who will help facilitate parent-directed treatment with parents who have children with ASD; (2) provide a culturally adapted and evidence-based training program to 240 parents who have a child with ASD; (3) support 240 parents with children with ASD through large group instruction, small group sessions, and social events; and (4) develop a training manual and handbook with materials for parents to use and to increase project sustainability beyond the grant period. Our project team, which consists of educational leaders with experience in leading, coordinating, and evaluating parent-directed treatment programs, are well-prepared to implement the project. As part of this grant, we will be helping a new set of parents of children/adolescents with Autism (ages 3 to 21) of Cameron, Starr, Hidalgo, and Willacy counties to develop and deliver evidence-based behavioral interventions derived from the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA) strategies. In teaching parents these interventions, we hope that our program will help parents (1) increase their knowledge of their child’s strengths, needs, and abilities; (2) increase their confidence to use evidence-based strategies; (3) reduce their stress and anxiety; (4) help their children reduce challenging behaviors; and (5) help their children improve communication and social functioning, and (6) help parents develop knowledge and skills, so they can be good partners in their children’s education. The program goals are: Deliver an evidence-based training program to 120 parents per year for two years with children with autism to total servicing 240 parents on the following topics: join attention; chaining; differential observing; forward chaining; function-based interventions; imitation training; reinforcement schedule; response interruption and redirection; repeated practice; and standard echoic training Two, provide these 240 parents with small group and hands-on experiences on these behavioral intervention strategies. Three, teach and support these 240 parents about and how to support their child’s behavioral development to increase appropriate behavior and help decrease maladaptive behavior. Four, deliver an evidence-based training program to parents who have children with ASD to address 120 children with autism per year for two years. Five, offer community outing experiences for adult-child learning and interactions.

Discussion: No discussion notes


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