Restricted Research - Award List, Note/Discussion Page

Fiscal Year: 2023

374  Sam Houston State University  (142262)

Principal Investigator: Ma, Junkun

Total Amount of Contract, Award, or Gift (Annual before 2011): $ 140,000

Exceeds $250,000 (Is it flagged?): No

Start and End Dates: 9/1/22 - 8/31/23

Restricted Research: YES

Academic Discipline: Engineering Techology

Department, Center, School, or Institute: Deparment of Enginerring Technology

Title of Contract, Award, or Gift: MS-Development of a Network of Field Deployable Infrared Thermography-Minirhizotron Device for Nondestructive Rapid Detection of Cyst

Name of Granting or Contracting Agency/Entity: United States Department of Agriculture

Program Title: n/a
CFDA Linked: Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care


SAMs 1.1.1: In 2020, we received PPA support to develop a portable handheld infrared thermography- minirhizotron device for rapid, nondestructive detection of cyst nematodes. Our team successfully developed a fully integrated prototype that trained personnel can use to perform rapid on-site diagnoses. Based on the feedback of experimental tests, a new design with separate minirhizotron and controller modules is being developed to improve the user experience. Experimental lab and field tests are being carried out to verify the device's functions using cyst nematodes belonging to the genus Globodera and Heterodera. We also received 2021 PPA support to further develop and enhance the device so that it is suitable for extended periods of field deployment. The enhanced device will be equipped with wireless communication and network capabilities allowing remote access and control via a web-based user interface. We request third-year funding to fine-tune the experimental network developed during the 2021 project for functionality verification and performance assessment. Our goal is to establish a large-scale network of enhanced devices at selected regional and national nursery and agricultural field sites for early detection and rapid response to a wide range of soil and cyst nematodes of agricultural importance.

Discussion: No discussion notes


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