Restricted Research - Award List, Note/Discussion Page

Fiscal Year: 2023

875  Texas Tech University  (142763)

Principal Investigator: Onyango, Maria G.

Total Amount of Contract, Award, or Gift (Annual before 2011): $ 500,000

Exceeds $250,000 (Is it flagged?): Yes

Start and End Dates: 9/1/22 - 4/30/27

Restricted Research: YES

Academic Discipline: Biological Sciences

Department, Center, School, or Institute: Biological Sciences

Title of Contract, Award, or Gift: Assessment of CCHV in the Ugandan Cattle Corridor and Kenyan Arid North Tick Populations

Name of Granting or Contracting Agency/Entity: United States Department of Agriculture

Program Title: n/a
CFDA Linked: Agricultural Research_Basic and Applied Research


1.1.1: The objectives of this research project will be to identify tick species diversity of the Ugandan cattle corridor and the Kenyan arid north region, assess tick blood meal sources, delineate temporal and spatial Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) infection rates in tick populations, and characterize the tick virome.

Discussion: No discussion notes


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