Restricted Research - Award List, Note/Discussion Page

Fiscal Year: 2023

1816  The University of Texas at El Paso  (143704)

Principal Investigator: Cabrera Martinez,Carlos R

Total Amount of Contract, Award, or Gift (Annual before 2011): $ 492,800

Exceeds $250,000 (Is it flagged?): Yes

Start and End Dates: 8/1/22 - 7/31/26

Restricted Research: YES

Academic Discipline: Chemistry

Department, Center, School, or Institute: Chemistry

Title of Contract, Award, or Gift: PreAward CABES Renewal

Name of Granting or Contracting Agency/Entity: CORNELL UNIVERSITY

Program Title: Office of Science Financial Assistance Program
CFDA Linked: Office of Science Financial Assistance Program


CABES, the Center for Alkaline Based Energy Solutions aims to achieve a detailed understanding of the structure and Dynamics of electrocatalysis in alkaline media in fuel cell and electrolyzer systems. At UTEP, our focus will be on the development of novel single and cluster atoms non-precious catalyst via the rotating disk slurry electrodeposition technique and galvanostatic displacement reactions. The novel catalysts will be used for the ammonia oxidation reaction in alkaline media and in ammonia alkaline fuel cells. Our studies will allow us to determine what factors govern ammonia oxidation electrocatalysis in alkaline media for sustainable energy production.

Discussion: No discussion notes


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