Restricted Research - Award List, Note/Discussion Page

Fiscal Year: 2023

2019  The University of Texas at El Paso  (143907)

Principal Investigator: Carey-Whalen,Daniel Joseph

Total Amount of Contract, Award, or Gift (Annual before 2011): $ 10,000

Exceeds $250,000 (Is it flagged?): No

Start and End Dates: 7/15/22 - 2/28/23

Restricted Research: YES

Academic Discipline: Museum

Department, Center, School, or Institute: Museum

Title of Contract, Award, or Gift: BLM Archaeology Collections Review

Name of Granting or Contracting Agency/Entity: US BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT

Program Title: Recreation Resource Management
CFDA Linked: Recreation Resource Management


The Centennial Museum possess a number of artifacts in its collection that were found on land owned by the Bureau of Land Management, that are now part of the museum's permanent collection. These items include but are not limited to: petroglyphs, archeological dig material, and human remains. The researcher will be working with the BLM collection to: update the BLM collection inventory at the museum, research artifacts, create finding aids for archeological dig reports, and will assist museum staff in reating recommendations for artifacts that fall under NAGPRA( The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act), such as Native American human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. The museum estimates that this project will take approximately six months with a researcher working 19 hours a week.

Discussion: No discussion notes


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