Restricted Research - Award List, Note/Discussion Page

Fiscal Year: 2023

2645  Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi  (144533)

Principal Investigator: Dara Orbach

Total Amount of Contract, Award, or Gift (Annual before 2011): $ 497,922

Exceeds $250,000 (Is it flagged?): Yes

Start and End Dates: 7/1/22 - 6/30/25

Restricted Research: YES

Academic Discipline: 2H - Biological and Other Life Sciences

Department, Center, School, or Institute: Life Sciences

Title of Contract, Award, or Gift: BRC-BIO: Morphological underpinnings of reproduction

Name of Granting or Contracting Agency/Entity: National Science Foundation

Program Title: none
CFDA Linked: Biological Sciences


SAMs 1.1.1 - "...Bottlenose dolphins in managed care provide a unique Sexual selection is the primary force driving gross morphological variation of genitalia in many species (Eberhard, 2010). The differences in reproductive interests between the sexes can lead to the evolution of traits that favor one sex while harming the other, creating an evolutionary arms race for control of paternity (House & Lewis, 2007). Through this proposal, we investigate the features of genital morphology that are under selection during copulation using a taxon with unusual reproductive morphology...."

Discussion: No discussion notes


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