Restricted Research - Award List, Note/Discussion Page

Fiscal Year: 2023

1960  The University of Texas at El Paso  (143848)

Principal Investigator: Montoya Olson,Cira M

Total Amount of Contract, Award, or Gift (Annual before 2011): $ 50,000

Exceeds $250,000 (Is it flagged?): No

Start and End Dates: 8/23/22 - 12/31/23

Restricted Research: NO

Academic Discipline: Extended University

Department, Center, School, or Institute: Extended University

Title of Contract, Award, or Gift: Digital Transformation: Enhancing Online Courses at UTEP

Name of Granting or Contracting Agency/Entity: TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BD

CFDA: 84.425

Program Title: Education Stabilization Fund


The goal of this project is to redesign online courses with high impact experiences that equip online students with the competitive UTEP Edge that distinguishes them from their peers and prepares them for leadership and lifelong success beyond graduation. The Center for Instructional Design (CID) and Dr. Eduardo Arellano will work collaboratively to redesign Higher Education Governance: EDAD 6394 and 5394 using a development process focused on universal design, accessibility, and the UTEP Edge Advantages. Additionally, we will deliver faculty workshops encouraging implementation the UTEP Edge into online courses and will conduct the training in a hyFlex format to expand our reach. Our mission is to establish a standard of inclusive excellence in online, hybrid, hyFlex, and face-to-face (f2f) course design. Further, we aim to strategically illustrate how UTEP embraces a culture of care through careful student observation to ensure that we make every student at UTEP feel like a Miner, feel like they belong at UTEP, and is motivated to complete their degree.

Discussion: No discussion notes


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